Tips on Setting up Security

Icu Css
2 min readMay 13, 2023


For security there needs to be psychology. There needs to be a basic understanding of how criminals operate in order to protect yourself, your business or your property. It is an attempt to get into the mind of a criminal and think how they think and how they would try to gain access or damage what you own. And if you can’t do this yourself, have a few people with different mindsets try the same thing. Once you understand this you can take preventative measures to ensure protection.

Naturally, you can leave this up to professional security services to do just that; but some of you may want to do your own setup and try it for yourself. The following article (see image below) offers some tips and hints on how you can do this.

It’s also a good idea with any security setup to test it to make sure it’s up to the standard you want. But don’t just test it yourself, bring in others to try this (those you know well and trust). This way you get individuals with different ways of thinking who may be able to spot vulnerabilities you yourself may have missed. And once these vulnerabilities have been identified they can be dealt with and protected against. This is why it’s always a good idea to regularly test these things to ensure your property is always secure. There’s good merit in the term “learning from your mistakes” for a mistake may lead to a better solution to a problem.

An article sharing tips and hints on how to setup your own security system; specifically CCTV.

ICU Security Services

Visit our main website below for more security articles, criminal psychology, criminal investigation and other resources.

ICU Security conducts extensive research into crime and criminal investigation. We also delve into psychology in order to understand how criminal minds work. We also use it to understand how specific types of humans think and apply that thinking to any research we’re actively engaged in.

ICU also provides security articles, and links to security sector training; if security is the path you wish to take career wise.

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Icu Css
Icu Css

Written by Icu Css

Interests include: Security, CCTV, Criminal Psychology, Crime, Criminal Investigation, Mysteries, The Unsolved and Unexplained.

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